Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Media Capstone Project; myRamsey

My group's assignment this semester was to come up with a device that incorporates new media and would benefit UGA's workout facility (the Ramsey Center).

We came up with a mobile app (works on iphone and desktop) that allows users to "find a work out buddy at the click of a button."

Here is our official Web Site describing our project.
The site includes a link to the official Web App (which you can view on an iphone, if you have one).

The web app is still considered just a "promotype" and it will be presented to clients on December 9 at UGA.

MyRamsey Video

Friday, November 6, 2009

McGill Lecture

On Wednesday, UGA hosted its annual McGill Lecture. This year's speaker was Martin Kaiser, the editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
During his speech, Kaiser expressed his frustration at the label of "the media". He noted that it is NOT "the media", but instead a distinction exists between the reporting media and the commentating media. It is unfair for the reporting media to be blamed for the exaggerations and opinions of the commentating media.
Kaiser noted that for journalism to have a future, the reporter needs to address WHY the news is happening.